Is Religion the Cause of Most Wars? Not Even Close! Some if not many atheists…
Category: Uncategorized
By Dr. Tom Snyder, Editor According to statistics from multiple government sources and multiple studies,…
Love Our Neighbor As Ourselves By Katherine Merritt, Contributing Writer We’re also commanded to “love…
MOVIEGUIDE®’s annual box office analysis once again shows that American moviegoers prefer more conservative…
By Tom Snyder, Ph.D. This Biblical Political Manifesto contains quotes and citations from the Hebrew…
Contrary to what’s been reported by the mainstream media and left-leaning politicians and activists, police…
By Prof. Alvin Schmidt, Ph.D. Recently, I received several pages containing statements made by high…
By Dr. Tom Snyder, Editor Editor’s Note: Since this article was written, the GOP-controlled Congress…
Are Christianity and Religion the Biggest Evils in History? Non-Christians (including Muslims, cultists, atheists, and…
Protestant nations do better economically, according to a study by scholar Lawrence Harrison, Senior Research…
By Dr. Tom Snyder, Editor Some pundits have complained that opponents to same-sex marriage were only…
By Evangelicals and Catholics Together, March 2015 Editor’s Note: Reprinted with permission from FIRST…
Gallup Survey Reveals Surprising American Views on Creation/Evolution A Gallup survey in May 2014 reveals…
Marxist Feminism’s Ruined Lives By Mallory Mallet Editor’s note: Mallory Millet, sister of feminist Kate…
Source: Movieguide® and, January 2014. Conservatives may dominate talk radio, but the statistics on…
Can Pictures of Aborted Children Help End Abortion? By Ben Johnson, Contributing Writer Not really,…
Bill Federer Sees Obama Strategy Clearly in Machiavelli Quotes By Bill Federer, Contributing Writer Editor’s…
Prepared and written by:
Dr. Jason J. Campbell:
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In their 1994 book, Lethal Laws: Gun Control is Key to Genocide,
Simkin, Zelman and Rice argue that, “governments cannot commit genocide except on effectively disarmed populations.”
Speech before the House of Representatives
by David (Davy) Crockett
Editor’s note: David Crockett, perhaps best known for his role in the 1836 defense of the Alamo, also served three terms in the United States Congress between 1827 and 1835. The following excerpt from an 1884 biography by Edward S. Ellis, The Life of Colonel David Crockett, reveals how his electorate taught him the importance of adhering to the Constitution and the perils of ignoring its restrictions.
By Dr. Ted Baehr, Publisher, and Dr. Tom Snyder, Editor of
Huffington Post blogger, screenwriter and politically correct Kevin Miller has slandered renowned Christian evangelist Jerry Newcombe. In a radio appearance and in some articles, Newcombe opined that evildoers who massacre innocent people, like the killer who recently shot up a midnight showing of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, seem to have no fear of Hell.
Newcombe complained that people today have no fear of God or Hell because today’s society has rejected the Christian, biblical doctrine of Hell where Jesus and His apostles clearly say that those who reject Christ will have to pay for their evil sins by suffering eternal damnation in Hell.
By Glen James, Contributing Writer
While reading one of my regular news sites recently I ran across a reference to a blog post on another site advising “progressives” to fight against current and upcoming pro-life legislation and its supporters by “framing” the discussion in terms that would create a more favorable perception of abortion. What the author describes is an attempt at a systematic denial that human life actually

1151 Avenida Acaso, Camarillo, California 93012 Phone: 805.383-2000 Fax: 805.383.4089
Ken Powell
General Mills, Inc.
P.O. Box 9452
Minneapolis, MN 55440
Dear Ken,
As a former LSA at the U.S. Attorney’s Office SDNY and publisher of MOVIEGUIDE(r) which reaches millions, I am appalled at your insensitivity, bigotry and antagonism to faith and values when you opposed preserving marriage as the union of one man and one woman in Minnesota. In spite of the fact that you will get the support of the anti-faith bullies who have attacked faith and values, you will lose the support of millions who support the natural family by excluding them in such a misguided manner.

By Jerrol LeBaron
When Congress can add hundreds of pages to a bill in the middle of the night and pass it the next morning…when Congress can bundle bills the way investment firms bundle securities…when self-serving special interests are allowed to have an exorbitant amount of influence over the laws that are passed, it is time to do something about it.
By Dr. Ted Baehr
Abolition of the family! … The bourgeois family will disappear, in the course [of history] as its supplement [private property] disappears, and both will vanish with the destruction of capital.
The Communist Manifesto, Chapter 2, Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels.
By David Outten
Noel Biderman, founder of a website created to match up couples seeking to commit adultery, has offered a $1 million prize to any woman who can prove she’s had sex with Tim Tebow in the next year.
Christian Century Interview by David Heim, Executive Editor (February 2012)
An interview Rich Melheim founder of Faith Inkubators, the Faith Inkubators Foundation and the Preschool Incubators Project
CC: You’ve stressed the importance of linking church and home in Christian formation. Can you give an example (an ideal) of what you have in mind? How well are churches doing this?
by Gary Moore, Founder of The Financial Seminary
Fox News has just published an article entitled “Does America Need Ayn Rand or Jesus?” As it was written by Onkar Ghate of the Ayn Rand Institute, you can imagine how he voted. After showing what can only be described as willful ignorance about historic Christianity, he concluded by writing: “Today we face starkly different choices….Don’t we need Ayn Rand?” Rand’s philosophy supposedly considers objectivity to be a cardinal virtue. So before you vote for one or the other, allow me to share why that sounds like Pilate asking the mob to vote for Jesus or Barabbas.
By David Outten and Dr. Ted Baehr
As the April 15 tax deadline approaches, you have good reason to thank Hollywood for higher taxes.
Consider the federal budget. A large portion of that budget is for means-tested welfare programs. A high percentage of the people on means-tested welfare programs are there because they’ve abandoned the traditional values the major Hollywood studios once guarded.
Step aside “Broadway Joe” Namath. Here comes Tebomania.
As an avid Tim Tebow fan I was stunned to hear the New York Jets even had an interest in him, much less that they would beat out Jacksonville and trade for him. But, God’s ways are higher than man’s ways.
God loves the people of New York just as much as he loves the people of Jacksonville.
God has apparently arranged an extended mission trip for
On last night’s CNN U-Tube debate, Mitt Romney was asked, “Do you believe in every single word of the Bible—EVERY WORD”?
By Dr. Ted Baehr, Publisher of MOVIEGUIDE®
From New York, to Atlanta, to London, to Hobart, Australia (near where I am now lecturing) Marxists are engaged in a coordinated “occupy” movement. They’re seeking the support of the liberal media in promoting class warfare. Their mantra is that the cause of the current economic crisis is the rich oppressing the poor.
“Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets”. Luke 6:26
It is interesting how, in spite of all the warnings in Scripture against gossip, slander, and tale bearing, just how much stock we tend to place in people’s opinions. It is said that where there is smoke there is fire. However, the smoke may be no more than dust and hot air.
By Dr. Robert A. Morey
Chapter One
The Bankruptcy of Natural Theology………………………….……………
Chapter Two
The Biblical Material………………………………………………………..
Chapter Three
John Bunyan on Prayer …………………………..…………………………
Chapter Four
The Sovereignty of God and Prayer…………………………………………
Chapter Five
Thirteen Rules on Public Prayer……………………………………………
Chapter Six
How to Have a Day of Prayer and Fasting………………………………….
One of the most important requests recorded in the Bible is found in Lk. 11:1.
And it came about that while He was praying in a certain place, after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples.”
Several things should be pointed out:
By Dr. Ted Baehr, Publisher
God has nurtured, blessed and empowered Good News Communications/Christian Film & Television Commission®/MOVIEGUIDE® over the last 32 years, providing incredible opportunities for us to witness to Him and supporting us as we ventured forth in faith in His Grace.
One of the great achievements in our entire history was the fact we initiated the campaign that stopped the vile movie ANTICHRIST from making money at the box office. In fact, the movie made a measly $400,000 at the box office.
Furthermore, we helped five universities conceptualize film and media departments.
Also, I had more opportunities to preach and teach around the United States. And, I recently completed a visit to South Korea, where I taught media wisdom to 880 or more Christian educators and met with leading filmmakers in the movie industry there, convincing them to producer family-friendly movies with faith and values.
In addition, our promotion of our main website and its new design,, helped it reach new heights of visibility, averaging 7 million hits and more per month and allowing us to start selling a new iPhone application for our reviews.
By Tom Snyder and Tracy Schreiber
Today the people of California get to decide whether to legalize marijuana. Let’s hope they decide against it.
Whatever happens, however, let’s put an end to the stupid arguments that libertarians, liberals and red diaper doper babies make in favor of legalizing drugs, including marijuana.
One of the arguments these airheads make is that the War on Drugs is “unwinnable.” When people say it’s an “unwinnable” war, what do they really mean? What does it mean to win the drug war? You can’t possibly mean winning the drug war means no one using drugs, because, by that same logic, the war against violent crime is unwinnable.
This argument is specious. When confronted with such an argument, ask the person, What level of drug use constitutes “winning” the War on Drugs? Just because there’s rampant crime of any sort, that shouldn’t make us just give up!
Another argument in favor of legalization has the pro-legalization person asking the anti-legalization person, “If you make drugs legal, would you do drugs?”
The person’s answer to that question probably will be no, but what if it isn’t?
Of course, if they legalized rape or prostitution tomorrow, we ourselves wouldn’t suddenly become a pimp or a prostitute, much less rape anyone. Just because the average person wouldn’t do these things does not mean that a lot of other people wouldn’t do them.
Robbing banks is a perfect example here. If they made robbing banks legal, or-de-criminalized it, the average person probably isn’t going to start robbing banks, but many other people will.
Often, the pro-legalization person cites America’s allegedly bad experience with the Prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s.
The fact is, however, during Prohibition, the consumption of alcohol did indeed decline. Thus, Prohibition did indeed inhibit drinking.
By Judith Reisman
On October 22, 2010 President Barack Obama issued a formal message to young girls and boys to “be true to” themselves by adopting the current lionized state of homosexism as “a source of pride, and a source of strength.” Having been young once himself, Mr. Obama knows that teenagers are by definition “immature” and remain so until roughly age 21 when their cognitive neuro anatomy catches up with their bodies.
Why tell children to feel “pride” and “strength” in adopting an early death sentence when you are too immature to know much of anything? How cruel, how outrageously heartless!
Instead of urging vulnerable youths into premature sexual riddled with crippling disease and death, Mr. Obama should have pointed to the October 9, 1998 Washington Post full page advert by The Whitman-Walker Clinic.
By Larry Klayman, Founder of Freedom Watch
During the Ronald Reagan Administration, Voice of America (VOA), the nation’s international broadcast network, was used effectively to educate the Soviet people about the virtues of freedom. By all accounts, it played a huge roll in bringing down the Soviet empire from within, and providing freedom to its people, which had been enslaved by communism.
Now another despotic regime, even more evil than the Soviets, threatens not only its people, but the entire world. This is the radical Islamic regime in Iran, run by fanatical mullahs who are bent on the destruction of the Persian people, as well as Christians and Jews worldwide. These mullahs are perpetrating a modern day Holocaust, imprisoning, raping, torturing, and murdering anyone who dare complain about their brand of extreme Islam, or women’s or other human rights.
By Dr. Ted Baehr and Dr. Tom Snyder
The Muslim holy book, the Quran, tells Muslims it’s okay to lie about their faith to Non-Muslims to avoid “persecution,” but you can drive a 747 jumbo jet through that word “persecution” (see Sura 16:106 and 3:28 of the Quran).
In the last few days, Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf, the allegedly “moderate” Muslim behind the Ground Zero Mosque and Muslim “cultural” center in New York City, has told both CNN and ABC News that, if America doesn’t allow him and his Muslim supporters to build the mosque and cultural center, other Muslims around the world will “explode.”

“If we do move [the mosque],” Rauf said, “it will strengthen the argument of the [Muslim] radicals to recruit, their ability to recruit, and their increasing aggression and violence against our country.”
Apparently, President Barack Obama, who was raised as a Muslim by his stepfather in Islamofascist, Muslim-controlled Indonesia, agrees with Rauf’s assessment.
Radical, liberal laws promoting homosexual adoption and same-sex marriage in Washington D.C., Massachusetts, San Francisco,…
By Dr. Ted Baehr, Publisher, and Dr. Tom Snyder, Editor
The news announcement Wednesday, July 7, 2010 that eight Christians were killed in Nigerian Muslim attacks is another example of fundamentalist Muslims under Sharia law doing what comes naturally – viciously murdering innocent people, especially Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists.
It has been said by the uneducated that all religions are the same – that there is no difference between Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, etc. . . . That doesn’t make any sense! That’s like saying all ice cream flavors taste the same. Or, better yet, all political opinions are the same. If that were true, what is everybody fighting about? And, why do ice cream companies make so many different flavors?
Mohammed, the alleged founder of the Muslim faith, was
‘Gay rights’ agenda is liberal Trojan Horse
By Robert Knight
As a longtime conservative, I believe in building coalitions. We can’t agree on everything, and it doesn’t help the cause to concentrate on areas of disagreement.
That said, when someone throws a brick through a church window, it’s absurd to pretend that isn’t a serious breach.
A number of prominent self-styled conservatives have embraced the false premise that homosexuality is morally irrelevant or even something to be promoted through public policy. Some have gone so far as to demand that
Only about one-third of Americans take a strong stand when it comes to abortion, according to the Barna Research Group.
A recent survey of 1,001 adults by Barna shows that 19% of Americans believe the practice should be illegal in all cases while 15% want abortion to be legal in all cases. Regrettably, however, 49% prefer keeping abortion legal in most or all cases while 42% would like to make it illegal in most or all cases.
Interestingly, 78% of Christian evangelicals believe abortion
By Larry Klayman, attorney
My grandfather, Isadore Klayman, a Jew, fled the Soviet Union as a young boy, entering this country legally though Ellis Island, as most immigrants did in the early part of the 20th century. Not knowing his birthday – the Ukraine was not big on record keeping, particularly for rural farm families – “Izzy” was asked by the government immigration officer to pick a date for his entry visa. Izzy’s reply, “I’ll take Christmas, December 25! If it’s good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me!”

My grandfather always felt very Jewish. In fact, he
Compiled by Dr. Tom Snyder
What does the Bible, the fully inspired and inerrant Word of God, say about government and politics, including the modern social welfare state, public education, ownership of private property, and helping the needy?
Proverbs 8:15, 16 of the Bible, the inspired Word of God, says that governments should use wisdom to rule and to make laws that are just. Proverbs 17:7 says rulers also should not lie. Proverbs 20:26 says wise rulers always try to punish the wicked. Proverbs 28:2-4 and 29:4 urges rulers to maintain order justly, to follow God’s moral code and to avoid oppressing the poor.
Furthermore, both Romans 13:3-6 and 1 Peter 2:13-15 say that government officials, whether elected or not, are ministers and servants of God who punish and restrain wrongdoers and who commend or praise those who do good works according to God’s transcendent moral code revealed in the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. Government officials must do these things whether or not the people believe in God or the Bible.
The Truth about Islamic Imperialism
James M. Arlandson
Historical facts say that Islam has been imperialistic—and would still like to be, if only for religious reasons. Muslim propagandists, for example, would like to impose Islamic law around the world.
Historical facts say that Islam, including Muhammad, launched their own Crusades against Christianity long before the European Crusades.
Today, Muslim polemicists and missionaries, who believe that Islam is
Who Are the Real Racists?
By Dr. Tom Snyder, Editor For decades it seems, many Democrats often appear to…