By Dr. Tom Snyder, Editor
America needs President Trump to find and reverse the apparent voter fraud and ballot irregularities created by the Democrat Party in most of the swing states.
Below is a list of the many policy successes and achievements under President Trump’s leadership. This list of accomplishments shows why the President must win the current battle over election fraud in the swing states during the 2020 presidential election on Nov. 3.
President Trump’s Accomplishments:
- Moved to help protect the life of unborn babies being slaughtered by evil leftist policies;
- Protected American workers (including minority workers) by stopping or drastically reducing unfair trade practices and putting a halt to massive illegal immigration;
- Completed about two-thirds or more of a border wall to protect America from massive illegal immigration and to put a major crimp in the efforts of illegal alien criminals to kill, rape and drug thousands of legal American citizens;
- Increased peace in the Middle East between Israelis and Arab countries;
- Reduced unemployment to its lowest level in 50 years;
- Protected religious liberty from tyrannical government regulations;
- President Trump’s energy policies made the United States energy independent for the first time ever in the modern industrial age;
- Stood up to the Communist government in China, which has colluded with Joe Biden and the National Democrat Committee to rig the Nov. 3 presidential elections;
- Got rid of the terrible NAFTA deal with Canada and Mexico to create a new trade agreement more favorable to the United States and its workers, businesses and farmers;
- Put a stop to the Anti-American, racist Marxist “Critical Race Theory” training that has warped American governmental institutions and the American military for years;
- Eliminated a record number of job-stifling and liberty-stifling federal regulations;
- Signed Right-to-Try legislation so terminally ill patients could have access to potential life-saving experimental treatments;
- Closed the wealth gap between white Americans and black Americans;
- Created a plan to get a COVID vaccine out to the American people in record time;
- Confirmed three Supreme Court justices to interpret the United States Constitution as written;
- Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration in history;
- Defeated the ISIS caliphate in the Middle East; and,
- Corrected many problems in the Veterans Administration that have been plaguing our military people and veterans for decades.
Photo ID: HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA – NOVEMBER 05: Dozens of people calling for stopping the vote count in Pennsylvania due to alleged fraud against President Donald Trump gather on the steps of the State Capital on November 05, 2020 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The activists, many with flags and signs for Trump, have made allegations that votes are being stolen from the president as the race in Pennsylvania continues to tighten in Joe Biden’s favor. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)