Month: May 2012

May 30, 2012
May 23, 2012
May 23, 2012

By David Outten
Millions of dollars are pouring into the campaign coffers of Mitt Romney. Some making this “investment” are betting on a Romney victory and want to be considered his “friends” should he be elected. Others send money in the hope that America will elect a less liberal president.

May 11, 2012

By David Outten
MTV host Dan Savage recently “apologized” for vulgar remarks made about Christian students at the National High School Journalists Conference. Christian students walked out on his talk when he told them they should “learn to ignore the parts of the Bible that are [BS].” When some students walked out, he said, “It’s funny, as someone who’s on the receiving end of beatings that are justified by the Bible, how pansy-a** some people react when you push back.”

May 11, 2012

By David Outten
President Obama has come out in favor of same sex marriage saying, “We are both practicing Christians, and obviously this position may be considered to put us at odds with the views of others, but, you know, when we think about our faith, the thing at the root that we think about is, not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf, but it’s also the Golden Rule, you know, treat

May 1, 2012

Christian Century Interview by David Heim, Executive Editor 
(February 2012)

An interview Rich Melheim founder of Faith Inkubators, the Faith Inkubators Foundation and the Preschool Incubators Project

CC: You’ve stressed the importance of linking church and home in Christian formation. Can you give an example (an ideal) of what you have in mind? How well are churches doing this?

May 1, 2012

by Gary Moore, Founder of The Financial Seminary

Fox News has just published an article entitled “Does America Need Ayn Rand or Jesus?” As it was written by Onkar Ghate of the Ayn Rand Institute, you can imagine how he voted. After showing what can only be described as willful ignorance about historic Christianity, he concluded by writing: “Today we face starkly different choices….Don’t we need Ayn Rand?” Rand’s philosophy supposedly considers objectivity to be a cardinal virtue. So before you vote for one or the other, allow me to share why that sounds like Pilate asking the mob to vote for Jesus or Barabbas.