The Pink Swastika as Holocaust Revisionist History
Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D.
The Institute for Media Education
The greatest sacrilege to the millions of innocent infant and aged Nazi victims, would be allow these dead to be exploited as political fodder to re-arm the same ideologues who ushered in Germany’s “final solution.”
Are The Victimizers Co-Opting the Holocaust?
Under the banner of The Pink Triangle (a Nazi symbol for incarcerated homosexuals), a mass media campaign by the major broadcasters, press, educators and now by the legal system, has been awarding Nazi victim status to homosexuals.
Claiming to have been victimized by the Nazis just like the Jews, and Jehovah’s Witnesses and other groups murdered by the Nazis, pink triangles have swept the land, embossed on fancy stationary, upscale check books, flags, posters, stickers, shirts, pins, and on classroom doors as a “safe space” for “Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Questioning Youth,” and the like. After losing nearly all of my Jewish family in the gas chambers during World War II, and being old enough to remember that war, I was deeply disconcerted when Holocaust museums world wide advertised new exhibits alleging the Nazi mass murder of homosexuals.
One of the complaints of museum curators has been the dearth of evidence with which to document museum assertions of a Nazi animus toward homosexuals. Now, here come the authors of The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams, charging that there is a reason why evidence of a fatal form of Nazi “homophobia” has been uniformly lacking.
For Lively and Abrams instead document the homosexual movement as the agents that ensconced National Socialism (the Nazi party) and Adolf Hitler, thus triggering a holocaust which engulfed all of Europe.
Hitler’s Silence on Homosexuality in Mein Kampf
Writing of those days in The Mass Psychology of Fascism, radical German sexologist and Hitler contemporary, Wilhelm Reich, warned that Nazi leadership was both ideologically and actually homosexual. Almost as an aside, Reich noted Nazi leaders such as “Bluher, Roehm…. Rosenberg” represented Hitler’s fascism, which was, Reich said, “a male state organized on a homosexual basis.”2
But, the confirmation of a Nazi homosexual bias are found in the formal writings of Adolf Hitler himself, in the bible of the Nazi movement, Mein Kampf3 [My Struggle]. Here the reader meets up with page after page of Hitler’s outspoken hatred of Jews, Marxists, Negroes, Chinese, Arabs, women, and all Eastern Europeans along with his
overwhelming worship of power and disdain for Judeo-Christian morality alongside his strategy for world domination. In his introduction to Mein Kampf,4 Konrad Heiden reconfirms Hitler’s hatred for Christianity, as he viewed the “belief in human equality” to be a Jewish plot, made popular due to “Christian churches”.
Hitler here outlines who he and Germany should hate. He hid nothing. Jews and the like were subhuman, they were “parasites” “vampires,” “liars” “cowards,” “traitors,” among other adjectives.
However, search the Nazi manifesto for any animosity, contempt, much less disgust of homosexuals. To do so is to search in vain. In point of fact, as Reich knew personally, Hitler eulogized and venerated the archetypal super macho Aryan male, for whom women were seen to serve the role of breeders for the race of supermen. The Furher’s contempt for women is made vivid by the abnormal way in which he used his niece and the few other women close to him, including Eva Braun.
Contemporary Homosexual Nazi Fashion
Redacted so it can be viewed, Nazi style boots stomping on the naked body,
Hitler outlined in Mein Kampf who would live and who would die: He stated who would be slave and who would be master. The Pink Swastika opens his fascist bible to the prototypical Nazi macho homosexual male best expressed today in the widely popular “Tom of Finland” fantasy drawings sold in all homosexual book stores, magazines, as well as in general advertisements for “gay” films and phone sex.
Common are the blond, square jawed muscle men wearing Luftwaffe caps, skin tight black pants, high black polished boots, sporting a black leather strap going from the shoulder diagonally across a hairless, bare, Aryan chest, a whip swishing alongside the hero’s slim hips. He will commonly dominate a dark haired male who cowers near or under his Nazi style boots. All in imitation of the Nazi uniform, careful to avoid the actual uniform and thus to reveal even to the most naïve, how fascistic and sadistic is homosexual “art.”
The authors recall the 1920s post WW1 Weimar Republic, the near starvation and wild currency fluctuations in Germany against the backdrop of the sex and drug “Cabaret” scene of Europe and Gay Berlin. They point to Berlin’s world famous coterie of Bohemian artists, sadosexual transvestites, lesbians and homosexual nightclubs and baths, as well as the rampant control of Berlin by pornographers, organized crime and drug dealers.
In this milieu, reports Elson in Time-Life Books, Prelude to War,5 thousands of prostitutes walked Berlin’s city streets half nude, dressed as “dominatrixes” and school girls, while transvestites and “powered and rouged young men” everywhere sold their wares to financiers and military men alike.
The infamous German Jewish homosexual sex “scientist” Magnus Hirshfeld reported that roughly 20,000 boys and youths6 were prostituted to Germany’s flourishing “gay” population. The British, qua-American homosexual icon, Christopher Isherwood blissfully said of Berlin’s 1920’s boy brothels, “Berlin is for boys…The German Boy….the Blond”).7
In the midst of such pansexual revelry it could be argued that were Hitler a shy, retiring sort of bookworm, he might not notice the dominating homosexual sensibility and the erotic mix of sexes. However, Lively and Abrams conclude that as a young aspiring Viennese artist, Hitler would be especially familiar with the artistic homosexual fraternity for Vienna was the hub of Bohemian culture.
Hitler claims to have been destitute, and in the midst of the Cabaret era, he was reduced to living in a men’s hostel for down-and outers. Both male and female prostitution were rife, the younger the better. Such a poor young artist would have met many “different” and adventurous people whose celebrity. like today, was gilded by an intimacy with homosexuality. The authors present a reasonable body of evidence to the jury of public opinion, including the possibility that Hitler earned extra cash as a youthful Viennese prostitute, serving a male clientele.
Rohm Had A “Taste For Young Boys.”
In a fascinating read of 204 well documented pages, the authors of The Pink Swastika track down the facts behind the homosexual movement’s current claims for Nazi-victim status. Divided into seven parts, the story opens as the new Nazi party is founded in the smoky din of the Bratwurstglockl, “a tavern frequented by homosexual roughnecks and bully-boys….a gay bar,” favored by Hitler’s closest comrade, Captain Ernst Rohm.
Almost every biography of Hitler reports that Rohm was a flagrant homosexual and the only man Hitler called by the familiar “du.”
Hitler’s beloved Storm Trooper Chief and founder of the Brown Shirts, the authors note, had a “taste for young boys.” Almost as close to Hitler as Rohm was Rudolph Hess, known for his dress-up attire as “‘Black Bertha’” in the gay bars of pre- war Berlin”8
In fact, Mein Kampf was dedicated to Hess while Hitler was in prison. The Pink Swastika reports that Hitler was given power by a homosexual gang, a gang says Dr. Carroll Quigley, President bill Clinton’s college teacher and mentor, that subverted Germany’s free elections by underhanded and brutal strategies.
Quigley: The Reichstag Burned by Homosexuals?
According to liberal historian and Clinton’s college mentor, Caroll Quigley in Tragedy and Hope (1966) Hitler’s intimate friend, Captain Rohm and his trusted homosexual cadre of Storm Troopers staged the famed burning of the Reichstag. Along with other bully-boy tactics, this would frighten people into supporting the Nazi party and Hitler. For our purposes here it is useful to see what Quigley says about homosexual Nazi Storm Troopers:
Accordingly….a plot was worked out to burn the Reichstag building and blame the Communists. Most of the plotters were homosexuals and were able to persuade a degenerate moron from Holland named Van der Lubbe to go with them. After the building was set on fire, Van der Lubbe was left wandering about in it and was arrested.9
This is especially interesting. There are many myths surrounding “The Night of the Long Knives” or the “blood purge” when supposedly only homosexuals such as Rohm were murdered by Hitler. Quigley offers another interesting insight, saying that “Most of the plotters were homosexual”.
Burning the Records of Nazi Sex Criminals
He adds that many of those who knew the truth were murdered in March and April while, ”Most of the Nazis who were in on the plot were murdered by Goring during the “blood purge” of June 30, 1934” (emphasis added).10
May 10, 1933 Institute book burning
Also it was under Rohm and his Storm Troopers that the records and books of “the Sex Research Institute,” were burned. The authors reveal that Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, the homosexual director of the Institute, maintained detailed records of his many court-referred sex offenders, including important Nazi rapists, and homosexual child offenders, pederasts.
Quigley confirmed that Rohm and other key Nazis who knew too much about Hitler’s criminal activities were killed for allegedly plotting against Hitler.
Lively and Abrams track the role of Rohm in 1933 11 recruiting and training a total of roughly 2.5 to 4.5 million Storm Troopers (SA) and Gestapo (SS) compared to about 100,000 men in the regular German army. Once the SA was disbanded after the June 1934 blood purge, most of these experienced SA homosexual leaders moved into other power positions in the German military.
Pederasts Running The Hitler Youth?
The authors raise many questions in The Pink Swastika. If he feared homosexual influence on boys, why did Hitler chose known homosexuals to serve as key youth leaders? Karl Fischer, a homosexual teacher, began the Wandervogel (a German version of the boy Scouts), which became “The Hitler Youth” in 1933, under a well known pederast, Hans Blueher, who wrote of man-boy “love.” Gerhard Rossbach, homosexual Nazi leader of the Freikorps gave over leadership of the Schill Youth to Edmund Heines, a convicted Nazi pederast, and murder, all under the watchful eye of Adolf Hitler.
The Pink Swastika reports that while Hitler and his Gestapo chief, Heinrich Himmler methodologically annihilated all German and European Jews via mass deportations to death camps, beyond political homophobic rhetoric after the Rohm murders, and a demand that men produce children for the Aryan race, Hitler refused to attack “homosexuals.”
Goering Dressed “In Drag And Wore Camp Make-Up”
Adolf Brand, a pederast-child pornographer was one of many prominent “butch” advocate homosexuals who continued to live, write and entertain in Germany, untouched by the Nazis.
Other homosexual and bisexual leaders cited by these and other authors included Bladur von Schirach (left), Hitler Youth Leader; Hans Frank, Hitler’s
Minister of Justice; Wilhelm Bruckner, Hitler’s adjutant; Walther Funk, Hitler’s Minister of Economics; friend and advisor Hermann Goering, Hitler’s second in command (who dressed “in drag and wore camp make-up”).
Also, Hans Kahnert founded Germany’s largest “Gay rights organization (Society for Human Rights) which counted “SA Chief Ernst Rohm among its members,” (below left, sitting) Edmund Heines, a pederast sadist (below left standing next to his alleged lover Rohm), Dr. Karl Gunther Heimsoth, a homosexual Nazi who coined the term “homophile,” and Julius Streicher, an infamous pornographer and pederast who was very close to Hitler.
The question of homosexuality versus anti-Semitism come together most profoundly in a man named Emil Maurice, Hitler’s close Jewish personal secretary and chauffeur. One of the Rohm purge assassins, apparently Maurice, lived as a member of the SS, until the war’s end. Lively and Abrams cite Maurice as homosexual. Mollo, in his history of the SS, identifies Maurice as Jewish in an infamous photograph below:
Hitler and four of his first SS men (a fifth has been erased). L to R: Schaubk, Schreck, Hitler, Maurer and Schneider. The fifth man was Emil Maurice who was thrown out of the SS in 1935 when found to be a Jew, but later allowed to retain his appointment and privileges, and wear [sic] SS uniform.
It is absolutely inconceivable that Maurice was not known as Jewish. Beyond his appearance, his family and the very high probability of his circumcision, it is reasonable now to consider whether Hitler had a sexual relationship with his handsome young chauffeur (a not uncommon arrangement as identified in reports of the time).
So, How To Explain Maurice
Maurice is the man erased in the SS photograph, his two shoes still quite visible in the picture. These other photos reveal Maurice to be a rather Semitic looking youngman, always close behind Hitler. Now that Lothar Machtan, a reputable German historian, confirmed Hitler’s homosexuality, it is highly likely that Maurice was indeed one of Hitler’s lovers. At any rate, whatever Hitler’s relationship with Maurice, who remained a member of the SS during the war, suggests that the homosexual lust easily overpowered anti Semitic hate. As politically uncomfortable as it has become to face the role of macho homosexual men in establishing Nazism, Dr. Nathaniel S. Lehrman, former clinical director of Kingsboro Psychiatric Center in Brooklyn, N.Y., wrote:
“Adolf Hitler’s homosexuality has been demonstrated beyond question by German historian Lothar Machtan’s massively researched new book, The Hidden Hitler….But the crucial role within the Nazi movement of the most vicious and lawless types of homosexuality, which Machtan also shows, is even more important than Hitler’s personal preference.
In 1933, six months after Hitler took power, the distinguished Jewish author Ludwig Lewisohn described what Machtan confirms, that “the entire [Nazi] movement is in fact and by certain aspects of its avowed ideology drenched through and through with homoerotic feeling and practice.” And those homosexual currents inextricably were connected with vicious German militarism long before the Nazis.”13
The intimacy of Maurice and Hitler is important in terms of what it tells us about the power of the homosexual drive. The captions read:
[Picture #1] “Hitler in prison with Maurice, Kriebel, Hess and Dr. Fredrich.” [Picture #2] “Common room of Nazi prisoners at Landsberg. Behind Hitler, Emil Maurice, early companion and chauffeur.”14
Most histories of World War II (see especially Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich) report Hitler’s ties to the “notorious” homosexual, Ernst Rohm and other males within his coterie. The Pink Swastika notes, if anything, that sex laws under Hitler’s Reich Minister of the Interior Henrich Himmler were largely tolerant toward the “2 million” Germans Himmler said were registered in homosexual organizations in 1933, for “only repeat offenders can be incarcerated.”
Homosexual Artists and Actors Were Also Safe
But, “repeat offenders” meant a fourth public sex offense, or someone who had already served six months in jail for repeated offenses. In 1940, Himmler reiterated that only “multiple offenders” (largely engaged in sex in a public forum) might be jailed. However, wrote Himmler, “artists and actors” might escape any penalty, despite how often they were found in compromising situations.15
During the Hitler era, of roughly 70 million Germans16, “less than 1%” “hardly one hundredth of all the country’s inhabitants” were Jewish, said Hitler.17 Morris Ernst, in his book on Kinsey, discussed Hirschfeld’s findings:
Germany….with a population of 62,000,000, there were nearly a million and a half men and women [said Hirschfeld] “whose constitutional predisposition is largely or completely homosexual” Just how big a proportion of his estimated million and a half German homosexuals found their way into Nazi uniforms is not known, of course. But a good many of them were attracted by the Nazi principles and the society of their fellows in a bond which excluded all women (p. 169-170).
Historical records suggest Germany had perhaps 700,000 Jews18 versus 2-3 million “registered” homosexuals, according to Himmler. Whether there were 1 and a half million (Hirschfeld) or 2to 3 million (Himmler), at most 10,000 German homosexuals were sent to work camps, 6,000 died and 4,000 were released. The 6,000 homosexual deaths are a minimum of Germans who would have been “fems,” despised by the homosexual powered elite as well as collections of homosexuals who were also Jewish, Italian, Asian, Black, Communist, Marxist and the like.
Out of 2-3 Million Homosexuals, 6,000 “Fems” or Reds Killed
This still leaves estimates of 20,000 male prostitutes unaccounted for with the under 1% of homosexuals largely interned in “work camps,” not, the authors note, the “death” camps for Jews and other outcasts. Lively and Abrams point to the nearly 100% extermination effort by the Nazis toward all captured Jews of all nationalities, gassed or interned in death camps. The especial concern of Hitler that all good Germans reproduce in order to create an Aryan nation must not be forgotten.
Aryan Germans were expected to breed and it is well known that German breeding farms were established for that purpose. Non-German homosexuals appear to have been of no interest to the Nazis, for there is no record of any attempts to hunt, arrest or harm foreign homosexuals, for any reason.
The evidence strongly suggests these selected German homosexuals were killed for political reasons, versus 566,000 of roughly 700,000 German Jews (85%), 23.5% of all gypsies, 10% of Poles, 12% of Ukrainians, 13.5% of Belorussians.19. The German military plot to kill Hitler resulted in the murder of the few men responsible, as well as 7,000 of their family members. The authors raise some interesting questions, such as where is the record of retaliation for those who hid, hired, nursed and fed persecuted homosexuals? The author’s discussions of the “butch” versus “fems” battle raging between German homosexuals and the effect of this internal war on alleged “book burning: and the like, answer many critical questions.
Elie Weisel: Homosexual Guards Trafficked in Jewish Boys
In the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Shirer said Hitler welcomed “Murderers, pimps homosexual perverts, drug addicts or just plain rowdies.”20 In fact, even Shirer sidestepped the brazenly homosexual nature of Nazi party pioneers–a critical body of knowledge for any society contending for a civil existence. The authors cite several million “Butch” type Rohm homosexual Nazis who worked as guards and directors of women’s and men’s death camps and work camps. Elie Weisel, the world famous Holocaust survivor, reported witnessing homosexual guards and administrators who “kept” and raped young Jewish boys at will, “there was a considerable traffic in children among homosexuals here, I learned later.”21
Lively and Abrams report that basic mathematics refute the idea that homosexuals were killed for being homosexual. For were homosexuals treated like Jews, 2-3 million out of 2-3 million German homosexuals should have lost their businesses, their jobs, their property, their possessions and most should have lost their lives.
Homosexuals would have been forced to wear pink triangles on their clothing in the streets, they would have had their passports stamped with an “H,” barred from travel, work, shopping, public appearances without their armbands, and we would have thousands of pictures of pink triangle graffiti saying “kill the faggots,” and the like.
Where Did 2 Million German Homosexuals Go?
If German homosexuals were not Nazis, these 2-3 million men would have been homeless, walled into ghettos, worked as a mass labor pool, then gassed and their abuse recorded in graphic detail, as were millions of Jews. And, if Germany’s several million “gays” were not Nazi victims, they were Nazi soldiers, collaborators or murderers.
Interviewing SS General Jurgen Stroop and a German policeman, Moczarski, Kazimiers22 reports on the continued presence of homosexuals in the Nazi hierarchy.
A policeman well acquainted “with Germany’s homosexual element [spoke up and said they] kept files on all known and potential pederasts. He remarked that very few homosexuals in the NSDAP were as “indelicately” treated as was Rohm…”So maybe a few of the fags in the party did get knocked off. There were plenty of others who made out just fine. They remained active party members… promotions…..[and were] protected by the top NSDAP brass.”
The Storm Troopers and the Gestapo were schooled in what the authors call the “Hellenistic” Greek ideal of man-youth-pedagogy. Concerned about the man-boy aspect of homosexuality, The Pink Swastika connects-the-dots for readers from the homosexual power structure in Germany to the current social debate in the United States. The naked, copulatory San Francisco “gay rights” parades, the violent homosexual burning of buildings when Governor Pete Wilson originally refused gay minority rights, the bullying attacks on Cardinal O’Conner and former HHS Secretary Louis Sullivan and scores of others, note the authors, are a replay of the homoerotic Nazis.
Our own research on Heterosexual v. Homosexual Partner Solicitation Language (The Advocate v. The Washingtonian), as noted earlier, regularly finds men and boys pictured in naked Fascist chic, strutting the black Luftwaffe cap, boots, whips and black leather–Fascist sadism.. While Lively and Abrams cite at least 160 ex-gay organizations nationwide which identify sex abuse, neglect and authoritarian trauma as triggering homosexual conduct, on the evidence, a post-World War II Fascist model is afoot in American schools under the protective cover of “AIDS Prevention” and “gay youth” protection, controlled largely by adult homosexual activists.
Parallel with these subversive activities is the effort to divorce children from their parents, by painting the fatal and lonely life of homosexuality with a patina of heroism and martyrdom, via mass media, institutional education and law (the privilege of marriage being a recent assault) undermining America’s survival as the international standard barer of a Judeo-Christian moral order.
German School Children: Taught to Ignore Old Fashioned Parents
Lively and Abrams are concerned, and I would conceded properly so, that idealistic “gay youth” groups are being formed and staffed in classrooms nationwide by recruiters too similar to those who formed the original “Hitler youth,” The Pink Swastika authors draw our attention to the need to forcefully reverse the flood of “gay rights” legislation or face a massive increase in children dedicated to the exploitive and heartbreaking “gay life” with all that implies for the child and society.
The Pink Swastika finds that serious “Judeo-Christians” are the likely targets of this resurgent homosexual movement. In 1934, all German school children were receiving textual, verbal and cinematic classroom indoctrination into Fascism. The libraries purged anti Nazi books and teachers, just as our libraries are purging anti-homosexuality books and teachers. And, like our current status, by 1936, sexuality advocate, Wilheim Reich warned that the wide availability and juvenile use of pornography was creating heterophobic German children–boys and girls who feared and distrusted the opposite sex.23
The homosexual fight for Nazi victim status comes directly on the heels of our exposé of forty years of corrupt and cynical manipulation of the fraudulent “10%” of homosexuality data established by Dr. Alfred Kinsey and Co. (Kinsey, Sex and Fraud, Reisman and Eichel). Recently, Newsweek challenged the fraudulent Kinsey data, asking, “How Many Gays Are There?” while the Wall Street Journal faced up to “Homosexuals and the 10% Fallacy.”
Using Kinsey’s 10% Fraud to Seduce School Children
Recent admissions by Dr. John Bancroft, the new Kinsey Institute Director24 of Kinsey’s reliance and use of a homosexual pederast[s] to obtain Kinsey’s child sex data raises the specter that a homosexual/pederast biased male research base has become the foundation of current sexual attitudes, education, conduct, law and public policy. As no other sex researcher has ever reported his or her laboratory experiments on children to determine their sexual capacity, Kinsey remains the citation for all such scientific claims.
To that end, H.R. 2749, “The Child Protection and Ethics in Education Act of 1995” was introduced by Congressman Steve Stockman, December 1995, to begin to investigate that possibility. The price we now are paying for decades of Kinsey’s claims of infant and child sexuality and his 10% homosexuality data, can never be calculated.
At left is an advertisement in The Washington Post, circa 1997, designed to frighten and intimidate parents into accepting the notion that homosexuality is genetic, and may include their son. In the book, Coming Out of the Classroom (1991), “out” lesbian Virginia Uribe, the originator of “Project 10,” describes the way in which the homosexual movement used Kinsey’s fraudulent homosexual “data” to enter the classroom.
“PROJECT 10, named after Kinsey’s (1948) estimate that 10% of the population is exclusively homosexual, originally envisioned as an in- school counseling program…. has become a district-wide and nation-wide forum for the articulation of the needs of lesbian, gay, and bisexual teenagers.”25
Some closeted percentage of the lesbians and homosexual male counselors and teachers entering these classroom counseling programs are also child molesters. Homosexual “volunteers” in schools and at the “Gay and Lesbian and Bisexual and Transgendered” youth clubs to “aid” children need to be seen in concert with old fashioned wariness about “bachelors,” in general and homosexual bachelors in particular. As we have seen, sexual predators use the classroom to gain access to a vulnerable pool of child victims. Sexually victimizing children is more smoothly accomplished if the “academic” subject matter is not math or science but sex– when sexual ideas, issues, acts, pictures, seem to be a natural part of the educator’s mission.
Gay & Lesbian “Youth” School Clubs a “Hitler Youth” Spin Off
Writing in Gay and Lesbian Youth (1989) Herdt explained why homosexual youth recruitment increased:
“We had not foreseen that….gay youth would also have to contend with the new horrors of AIDS [that]…teenage gays and lesbians would shun older gays as role models or even as friends26…[To meet this challenge, said Herdt] only now has gay culture begun to institutionalize “socialization” techniques for the transmission of its cultural knowledge to a younger generation27… [as] local “gay” movements provide their own infrastructural support for the coming out process in teens.28 (Emphasis added)
Douglas Feldman, a medical anthropologist claimed, “these kids are our [the gay community’s] future and we must invest in them.”29 Yet, he adds that gay and lesbian 0organizations discourage having “gay” boys tested for HIV.30 Why? “Teenagers tend to be very susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases,”31 observed Feldman. In any event, Feldman says these boys “have about a one in four chance of developing AIDS in
approximately 5 years.”32
Adult sex with “consenting” minors is still statutory rape. Yet, the March 1992 Advocate magazine cover story blames boy victims, not their adult male victimizers, for the disease, saying; “Teen Sex: They’re Doing it—And AIDS Is Killing Them By the Thousands.”33
Now the homosexual press regularly reports that scores of “closet” lesbians and homosexuals are in place to resurrect homosexuality, reshaping the nation’s ideals of child, marriage, justice, research, law, health, sexuality, crime and public policy from the old bi/homosexual sensibility. And establishing homosexual enclaves in private, public and even some parochial schools everywhere based on the idea that children are born homosexual, bisexual, transsexual and so on and on.
If it is true that institutional Judaism capitulated to homosexual pressure in Holocaust museums worldwide, awarding Nazi victim status to the macho male ideology which launched the Holocaust,34 what does growing homosexual power mean to their memory, and to the way homosexual power will exert itself in the future?
Historical research on Nazi homosexual power should be pouring out from our institutions of higher learning. That universities are captured by “politically correct” homosexual/feminism only proves how dangerous fraud in science has been and continues to be for our nation.
The Pink Swastika should be studied in all our schools, primary to university, for woe unto our nation should we ignore the warning of James Madison in 1832: “A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or perhaps both.”35
1 Circa February, 1998.
2 Wilhelm Reich (1970), The Mass Psychology of Fascism. Penguin: New York, pp. 123, 127.
3 The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. (1992) Houghton Mifflin.
4 The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia. (1991), Columbia University Press.
5 Robert Elson (1976), Prelude to War. Time-Life Books, New York, pp. 70-83.
6 Havelock Ellis (1934), Psychology of Sex, Ray Long & Richard R. Smith, Inc., New York, p. 221-222, Ellis cites Magnus Hirschfeld’s research on boy prostitution.
7 Christopher Isherwood (1953), Christopher And His Kind, Farrar, Straus, Giroux, New York, pp. 4-5.
8 The Washington Blade, August 11, 1985, p. 47 (a homosexual press).
9 Carroll Quigley (1966) Tragedy and Hope, Macmillan Company, New York, p. 437.
10 Ibid.
11 Pictures taken under fair use from the U.S. National Archives
12 Andrew Mollo, A Pictorial History of the SS, 1923-1945. Stein and Day, New York, p. 19.
13 Nathaniel S. Lehrman The Hidden Hitler, “Insight on the News,” Feb 25, 2002, Website:
14 John Toland (1976) Adolf Hitler, New York. Ballantine books, p.131.
15 See: Eldon R. James, Ed., “The Statutory Criminal Law of Germany,” Washington, The Library of Congress, 1947, pp. 114-115, and Timothy Kearley “Charles Szladits’ Guide to Foreign Legal Materials: German,” published by the Baker School of Foreign and Comparative Law, Columbia University, 1990.
16 Morris Ernst, American Sexual Behavior and the Kinsey Report, The Greystone Press, NY, NY, 1948.
17 Mein Kampf translated by Ralph Manheim, Boston: Sentry Edition: Houghton Mifflin, 1962. Also see Ingo Muller, Hitler’s Justice: Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass: The Courts of the Third Reich, 1991, where Muller writes “Accounts of the power and invluence wielded by Jews in the Weimar Republic have usually been grossly misleading. In actual fact the percentage of Jews in the population of Germany declined steadily from the late nineteenth century onward, shrinking from 1.2 percent in 1871 to 0.76 percent in 1930….0.16 percent of all government employees. p. 59.
18 The People’s Chronology, Henry Holt and Company, Inc. 1992.
19 Katz, Steven. (1989). “Genocide in the 20th Century”: Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Vol 4, No 2. Great Britain: Pergamnom Press, pp. 127-148.
20 William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich, New York,
21 Elie Wisel (1982) Night, New York, Bantam Books, p. 46.
22 Moczarski, Kazimiers (1977). Conversations With An Executioner. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. pp. 38-
23 Reich, supra, pp. 123, 127.
24 The Washington Post, December 8, 1995, p. B1, and December 28, 1995 Letter to the Editor.
Harrington Park Press, New York, 1991, at 11. At a Beaverton Oregon conference Uribe said, “When you want to start something with gay and lesbian groups, just do it without asking. Its easier to say “I’m sorry” than “May I.” April 23, 1992.
26 Herdt, GAY AND LESBIAN YOUTH, Harrington Park Press, New York, 1989, at 3.
27 Id, at 4.
28 Id., at 29.
29 Id., Feldman in Herdt at 192.
30 Id., at 188.
31 Id., at 189.
32 Id., at 188.
33 The Advocate, “Teen Sex: They’re Doing it—And AIDS Is Killing Them By the Thousands,” March 24, 1992.
34 John Toland (1976) Adolf Hitler, New York. Ballantine books, p.131.
35 Letter from James Madison to W.T. Barry (August 4, 1832), reprinted in The Complete Madison, S. Padower, ed. 1953, p. 337.
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