By Diana Anderson
The Apple computer company has caved in to religious bigotry against Christians.
A Christian iPhone application for Exodus International has been yanked by Apple after homosexual activists labeled its message as “hateful and bigoted” and aggressively petitioned Apple to take action.
Exodus International is a Christian group that ministers to people who have left the homosexual lifestyle, in line with such Bibles passages as Lev. 18-1-30 and Mark 1:15.
Though Exodus was once credited with an exceptional 4+ rating denoting its unobjectionable, inoffensive material, Apple recently stated that the app “violates our developer guidelines by being offensive to large groups of people.”
Exodus International Vice President Randy Thomas strongly disagrees.
“Our app was simply a resource app to help people who have questions about homosexuality and Exodus International to learn what we’re really about,” he explained. “Unfortunately, gay activists misconstrued the purpose of the app and successfully pressured Apple to remove our app.”
Jeff Buchanan, the senior director of church equipping and student ministries for Exodus International, defends the app from those who claim it seeks to be a “gay cure.”
“We present a redemptive, biblical world view on sexuality,” Buchanan asserted. “It’s a message of love and acceptance of those that are struggling with same-sex attraction.”
Last November, Apple yanked an app submitted by The Manhattan Declaration, a group of Christian leaders who support the Bible’s clear teaching on marriage. The app urged users to take a stand against same-sex marriage.
Of course, Apple has shown its rank hypocrisy by approving hundreds of apps promoting homosexual and “transgender” behavior, including same-sex marriage.
Movieguide® finds Apple’s decision bigoted, obnoxious and indefensible. It unabashedly reinforces a double standard in allowing numerous ideologically-driven apps, including ones by homosexual activists, while repeatedly finding unfounded fault with apps supported by evangelical Christians. Since Exodus International’s app doesn’t violate any of Apple’s acceptance criteria, such as encouraging drugs or alcohol or using “hate speech,” Apple’s unjustified removal of the app is a blatant example of how free speech is being stifled in this country, particularly the speech of faithful Christians.
Apple has been an extremely influential company in the new Information Age created by Digital Media. Please help Movieguide® stop this kind of bigotry against Jesus Christ, the God of the Holy Bible, and His teachings.
– Sources: One News Now, 03/24/11, and Exodus International, 03/22/11.
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