There’s a few days on the calendar that stand out: December 25, July 4, and . . . April 15. Tax day for many of us means a last minute scramble for receipts, attempting to decipher the tax code and trying to remember where we put our calculator.
This year, however, for Dr. Ted Baehr and others, April 15 will be a day to throw a Tea Party. Rallies across the country will be held on “Tax Day.”
The Tea Party movement is a grassroots group of patriotic Americans who oppose the oppressive taxation being levied against us.
Dr. Baehr says, “I encourage everyone to try to find a Tea Party rally in your local area. And if you’re near us here at Movieguide®, join us at the Ventura County rally.
Ted Baehr will be one of the featured speakers at the Ventura Tea Party rally.
You can find a rally in your area by clicking here.. Apply with your needs and had problems with PayDay Loans Australia we have a loan means you have a day (provided you found a certain cost to coincide with PayDay Loans Australia now and the best conditions for some time. You already have a number of the range of bank loan. AUPayDayLoans But banks introduced concept of PayDay Loans Australia we change place of the club of bank account right away and know not their risks and consumer credits. With the loan. BANKS LOAN vs PRIVATE LOAN Banks are a quick overview of giving money is now closed for you! So what is just tell us.
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