By Sharon Sebastian
Editor’s Note: Sharon Sebastian is an author, writer, public speaker ,and contributor to various forms of media including cultural and political broadcasts, print, and online websites. In addition to the heated global debate on creation vs. evolution, her second book, “Darwin’s Racists – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,” highlights Social Darwinism’s impact on America’s political ideology today and its influence on current policy out of Washington ( Reviewers proclaim “Darwin’s Racists” a “Must Read,” “Incredibly Timely” and “Perhaps the Most Important Book in Publication Today,” as it addresses Social Darwinism’s national influence with its Marxist/Socialist underpinnings that directly impact the fractious political, educational, religious, and social environment in America today.

Obama a Christian? Millions of Christians pray nightly – “If only it were so.” Not just for the country, but for the man. God’s grace and mercy through Jesus Christ is the greatest of life’s blessings on all who profess Him as their Lord and Savior in adherence to God’s Word in the Bible. Less than that is a deception to self and others about being Christian. God’s Word warns of that deception. True Christians may prefer a president be Christian, knowing that such a person will strive to live by the Godly principles upon which this nation was founded, but they do not require that a President be Christian.
Obama a Christian? – A Closer Look
By Sharon Sebastian
Editor’s Note: Sharon Sebastian is an author, writer, public speaker ,and contributor to various forms of media including cultural and political broadcasts, print, and online websites. In addition to the heated global debate on creation vs. evolution, her second book, “Darwin’s Racists – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,” highlights Social Darwinism’s impact on America’s political ideology today and its influence on current policy out of Washington ( Reviewers proclaim “Darwin’s Racists” a “Must Read,” “Incredibly Timely” and “Perhaps the Most Important Book in Publication Today,” as it addresses Social Darwinism’s national influence with its Marxist/Socialist underpinnings that directly impact the fractious political, educational, religious, and social environment in America today.
Obama a Christian? Millions of Christians pray nightly – “If only it were so.” Not just for the country, but for the man. God’s grace and mercy through Jesus Christ is the greatest of life’s blessings on all who profess Him as their Lord and Savior in adherence to God’s Word in the Bible. Less than that is a deception to self and others about being Christian. God’s Word warns of that deception. True Christians may prefer a president be Christian, knowing that such a person will strive to live by the Godly principles upon which this nation was founded, but they do not require that a President be Christian.