Dr. Ted Baehr, founder and host of the daily Movieguide® Radio show, is among the Top 20 Favorite Radio Guests, tying at No. 17 with President George W. Bush.
“I’m honored to make the list but maybe next year I can beat out Rush,” joked Dr. Baehr, referring to talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh, who landed in the Number One place.
A ballot was sent to 18,000 talk show hosts, producers, news editors, etc.
When asked why he shows up in the top 20 of favorite guests, Dr. Baehr says, “I strive to bring very relevant data about movies and culture to any interview. And while I certainly enjoy the mass media venues, I really enjoy speaking at universities, churches and other groups that want to hear about how they can positively affect culture.”
A recent nationwide survey of favorite radio guests for Talk Radio turned out a few other surprises.
Oprah ties with Henry Winkler near the bottom at #510. Arnold Schwarzenegger struts in at #172, tying with Dianne Sawyer. And, Congresswoman Michelle Bachman came in third behind Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, and ahead of Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin.
Dr. Baehr also tied at 17 with conservative columnist Michelle Malkin and talk radio host Mark Levin, author of the book “Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto.”
Many of Movieguide® readers know Dr. Baehr as the one who asks the questions, interviewing celebrities and creative talent behind many of Hollywood’s top movies. But, Dr. Baehr is also an in-demand guest on TV, not just radio, having appeared on ABC, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Oprah, Nightline, and Entertainment Tonight. He has spoken at the parliaments of the European Union as well as the United Kingdom and Norway. The academic world requests him to speak at Yale, Dartmouth, University of Virginia, UC Berkley, and UCLA.
To book Dr. Baehr as a guest, please contact Lisa at Lisa@movieguide.org
1 Talk Show Host Rush Limbaugh
2 Talk Show Host Glenn Beck
3 Congresswoman Michele Bachmann from Minnesota
4 tie Columnist Ann Coulter
4 tie Sarah Palin, likely 2012 U.S. Presidential candidate
6 Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio
7 Talk Show Host Laura Ingraham
8 tie Columnist Charles Krauthammer
8 tie Talk Show Host and Comedian Dennis Miller
10 Blogger Andrew Breitbart
11 tie U.S. Senator Jim DeMint from South Carolina
11 tie Matt Drudge, Internet News Aggregator
11 tie U.S. Senator-elect Marco Rubio from Florida
11 tie U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
15 tie Comedian Bill Cosby
15 tie Pollster Scott Rasmussen
17 tie Christian Film Advocate Ted Baehr
17 tie Former President George W. Bush
17 tie Talk Show Host Mark Levin
17 tie Columnist Michelle Malkin
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