Federal judge Barbara B. Crabb in Wisconsin has ruled ruled that the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional.
Crabb says that the 1952 and 1988 laws establishing the National Day of Prayer violate the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”

She ruled that such an involvement in prayer must serve a significant “secular function,” whatever THAT means!
In her ruling, Crabb cites an objection to prayer by Founding Father John Jay at the Constitutional Congress in 1774, but fails to note that Jay, a future Chief Justice, later changed his mind about the propriety of prayer in government (see Jay’s proclamation on March 20, 1779 in the Continental Congress for a Day of Fasting, available on this Internet page. In fact, Jay even called the United States a “Christian nation” and was one of the signers of the 1783 Treaty of Paris declaring America’s independence, which begins with the words “In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity”
Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, expects the Seventh Circuit to reverse Judge Crabb’s ruling, but the fact remains that this idiotic ruling by this ignorant judge shows the low level of judicial, constitutional and historical knowledge and intelligence in America’s legal system and on America’s courts.
Judge Crabb should be impeached for distorting and violating the U.S. Constitution and for spreading historical lies and distortions in her misguided, false and abhorrent ruling.
At best, she is horribly misinformed. At worst, she is a liar!
The National Day of Prayer does not promote a particular Christian sect, or a particular belief about the Bible or prayer. And, the First Amendment does not establish a separation between the Bible and the State, much less a separation between the Religion of Christian Theism or even Christian Trinitarianism and the State.
SOURCE: – WorldNetDaily, 04/15/10.
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I agree with about 90% of what you mentioned
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