by Sharon Sebastian
Mid-1800, the false scientific justification to deny God as Creator started with a man named Charles Darwin. Darwin’s theory of evolution divided humans into superior and inferior status. Darwin, in his own writings, labeled people of color, in particular black people, as sub-par and sub-human. The appeal of such a theory held great appeal to men who both denied the existence of God and sought superiority over fellow humans. Among them was Karl Marx, the father of Communism, who was so pleased with Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution that he sent him gifts, including a signed copy of Das Kapital in 1873 inscribed: “From a devoted admirer to Charles Darwin, Karl Marx.” Equally grateful to Darwin were mass murderers Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Hitler. All wrote of Darwin’s influence on them and their policies to oppress masses of people.
Though Marxism seeks to rid society of God, Hitler allowed religions. Early in his political career, he praised Catholicism. Initially, he also was favorably inclined towards Christianity. In time as he garnered power, Hitler came to find Christianity particularly troublesome when . . . Christian pastors spoke out against his systematic annihilation of Germany’s Jews. Hitler set out to wash the veneer of Christian beliefs from German society. He sought a new religion that would spring from the Nazi party with the pagan Swastika as its symbol to replace the Cross in Germany’s New World Order. In time, Hitler allowed comment that: “You can be German or you can be Christian, but you can’t be both.” Hitler declared, “Evolution was the natural order of things,” allowing him to debase Jewish people, homosexuals and the disabled to a lower evolutionary scale. He allowed that “National Socialism and Christianity cannot co-exist together.” Historians record that Hitler’s religious views vacillated as his power grew until it became difficult to discern if the god Hitler actually worshipped was himself.
Hitler created the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) and surrounded himself with men who were atheists or occultists who shared the desire to replace Christianity with a religion that did not require conscience. Men like Hitler’s Deputy Chancellor of the Reich, Rudolph Hess, and Heinrich Himmler, who oversaw the Nazi death camps, were occultists. Himmler stated a preference for the faith of anti-Semitic Muslims who were willing to die for the German cause to attain a reward in their heaven. German school children were indoctrinated to sing praise songs, “Hitler is our Savior, Hitler is our Lord.” Hitler made his memoir, Mein Kampf, the official bible of Nazism.
Early in his career, Hitler stated a favorable view of Christianity. Historians reveal that, in time, power turned him inward to self-worship that perpetuated a growing alienation resulting in the imprisonment and death of Christians. Nazi Germany stands as a warning to all societies that look the other way or tolerate a denunciation or assault on Christianity and Judaism by their political leaders.
Karl Marx described Socialism and Marxism as interchangeable. Socialism merely greases the skids from Capitalism into Marxism. Marxism and Fascism need to eliminate God so that conscience is muted and the government can become god in people’s lives. Socialism strips people of initiative, innovation and self-reliance and encourages a dependence on government, “the new god,” from cradle to grave. Americans are highly resistant to becoming wards of the state. The danger lies with a plethora of laws being passed that are currently legislating values and principles of faith out of American life. Laws in process in Congress carry fines and penalties to force all people to forego personal and religious liberties. Marxism, Socialism, and Fascism counter America’s founding faith. History begs that Americans take heed if America is to remain one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.
Sharon Sebastian ( is an author, writer and contributor for various forms of media including broadcast, print and online websites. Her second book, Darwin’s Racists – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, addresses the global “evolution vs. creation” debate highlighting both the impact of Social Darwinism on America’s culture today and its influence on current policy coming out of Washington.
Darwin’s Racists Website:
“Darwin’s theory of evolution divided humans into superior and inferior status.”
You’re being dishonest, or perhaps you don’t understand evolution. Each race evolved to be good enough to survive in the environment it came from. And that’s why tropical climates have dark skinned people to protect from skin cancer, and northern climates have light skinned people to better absorb vitamin D from less sunlight.
It’s doesn’t matter what Darwin was, but I noticed that he spoke out strongly against slavery at a time when Christians used the Bible to justify slavery.
Development of skin color is not the kind of macro-evolution that’s the real issue here. Also, the very terms “evolution” and “natural selection” are anthropomorphic descriptions that are inherently biased and, hence, logically fallacious and ultimately irrational. They suggest that there is a “Rational, Personal Designer,” just like the person who invents and changes breeds of dogs.